Wednesday, November 2, 2016

One Pot Vegetables Encouraging Whole Tomato Rice...

A year or two ago, someone shared on facebook about whole tomato rice which was hit at one point. Many of my friends shared about it on facebook. Honestly, it doesn't seems very appealing to me at first, but hey, it does taste okay and somewhat appetizing when you eat it. Unlike fried rice, "Whole Tomato Rice" is cooked with a rice cooker only. It is kind of a lazy way to cook a meal but still nutritious and tasty. If you have not heard of it, give it a go!

Thanks to Mr. Google. By learning from others, I would occasionally cook this whole tomato rice when I wasn't free. At least there's food for my boys eventhough it may not seems to be fancy. I have learned one recipe from Christine's website at However, I did not followed exactly though...I have adjusted the ingredients in accordance to my own liking. :)

Here's how I made mine...

My hubby eats lots of rice. So for one pot recipe rice like fried rice or whole tomato rice, I usually cooked quantity more than normal days.

- 3 cups of rice (I used Sun Rise medium grain rice.)
- 5 medium tomatos (about 460-480g in total) ~ washed, removed the heads and slightly score an X at the bottom
- 3 tsp cooking oil (I used Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
- 1.5 tsp salt
- 1.5 tsp sugar
- dash of white pepper

The meat and vegetables...It is completely up to you. I have done this my way and here's what I put into my rice cooker together with the rice before cooking it.

- about 300g chicken breast (diced)
- 1 medium carrot (diced)
- 1.5 leaves of cabbage - (shreded)
- 0.5 bowl of frozen green pea - (I used chinese rice bowl for the measurement)
- 0.5 fish cake (diced)
- 10 - 15 frozen raw prawn (Put in last when the rice almost cooked. Maybe 4 minutes before rice is cooked)

- Put rice in rice cooker. Wash rice with water and drained it.
- Put in slightly less than 3 cups of water ie. until almost the line stated 3 inside the rice cooker. (Note: Reason for lesser water needed for whole tomato rice is because the tomato "juice" will moist the rice further during the cooking process.)
- Then, add in the cooking oil, salt, sugar and white pepper. Stir well with a spoon.
- Now, place the tomatos (heads down) on top of the rice. I placed them in the middle like those shown on the picture above.
- Only thereafter, I moved on to work on the meat and vegetables which I intended to cook together with the tomatos and rice. So, place all the meats and vegetables (except the prawn) that you have prepared into the rice cooker, segmented like those of the picture.
- Now, switch on the rice cooker and cook the rice like normal.
- When the rice is almost cook, i.e. about 4 minutes before the rice is cooked, add in the prawn and continue to cook the rice until it's done.
The look of the whole tomato rice when it is almost cooked!!

Once the rice is cooked, use the rice scooper to mix the rice and all the ingredients until well mixed like the picture below:-

After which, the One Pot Vegetables Encouraging Whole Tomato Rice is ready to be served.

Eat warm. Enjoy!!

Tips: This is optional but it is also delicious if you eat the rice with some fried anchovies or dried shrimps chilli or sambal.

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